
Who knows what Pi is?

Pi is not pie. Not apple pie, not rhubarb pie, not orange pie. Pi is a decimal number that goes on forever.

Tomorrow is pi day. Some of you might be trying to memorize the digits. Last year I did 12 digits. This year I’ll try 20.

I find it easiest to learn it with a song. 3.14159 265 358 979 323 846 264 338. Try to learn them in little groups.

Here is a video that makes learning the first 20 digits of pi easy. I recommend it to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP99ufQacIM

He looks at the numbers as pictures. That is clever because it sticks in your mind so you don’t forget it.

3. Is first. Then 14. 14, the man says, is like 14 pounds of gold on top of your head. 1 is like a drumstick and 5 is like a drum set. This goes on for 12 minutes and by the end you can remember it.

This link shows you a song to memorize 100 digits of pi in a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HRkKznJoZA

Have fun on pi day everyone!!! Bye.

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