Erase all Kittens

Hi everyone!

Lately, I have finished an amazingly fun game called ‘Erase all kittens.’ It’s all about teaching you how to build your own website through an interactive game.

So, basically, the kittens are taking over the website and Arca (you’re character) is trying to save the day! She goes on adventures to find the kittens (which you collect throughout your journey). Arca has to use her ‘coding skills’ to solve occurring problems.

In this entry, you will find tips and tricks about where to find the kittens and how to play the game. Click on this link to sign up. There are 8 levels (but level 9 is coming soon). I 100% recommend this game as you can uncover so much about coding, learn valuable information and have fun at the same time!

This is level one
You receive coins by collecting them. Once you have them, when Arca gets into a problem, you can pay for hints. That box you can see, is a kitten. The next picture shows where you find it.
When you click on the kitten button next to your coins, it shoes you all the kittens you can get.
That yellow cauldron you can see is a coding challenge you need to complete before you can continue. This happens all throughout the game so it’s good if you can remember what you did to solve the problems!

I’m now going to show you all the places you can get kittens:

These and way more kittens are to be found! Keep checking for more posts!


P.S. Have a great half term!